Numerology Meaning: Life Path Number 7

Numerology Meaning: Life Path Number 7

Those with a Life Path Number of 7 are known for their intellectual prowess.  We call them Keen Intellectuals.  They excel in the subjects of Math and Science, and use data to solve problems.  Sevens dislike guessing, and make decisions based on fact rather than feeling.  Though they can be affectionate, sevens are cautious and slow to make friends.  They are confident in their results, and typically have very a high IQ.  Sevens are also known for great memory and ability to solve complex problems quickly.


Bright, Studious, Aware, Abstract, Genius, Confident


Pessimistic, Argumentative, Inflexible, Strong opinions

Career Advice:

Life Path 7 is strongly connected to great thinkers and analytical problem solvers.    We recommend that Sevens pursue careers that align with these skills such as chemistry, physics, computer programming, electrical engineering, architecture, data analysis and industrial design.

Eric Brown

Eric Brown

Eric is an accomplished writer and author. His passion for numerology compelled him to create this website to share his findings and connect with others.
Eric Brown

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