Women’s March on Washington: 2017 Protests
Shortly following the inauguration of Donald Trump as our 45th US President, millions of voices across the country (men and women) are making a stand for women’s rights and issues through a women’s march on Washington. Literally, millions of Americans are participating in the march on Washington DC, Chicago, and every major city across the country.
The New York Times is running a live stream on their website. Watching this video, it becomes apparent how many people are really involved. There are so many frustrated Americans (and non-Americans for that matter) that are not happy about the outcome of the election. I think it’s very admirable for individuals who feel this way to make their voices heard and stand up for what they believe in.
What message do the protesters have? It’s called a “Women’s March” because it primarily centers around women’s rights and issues, but just as many men are participating. The core message centers around disapproval of Trump’s remarks and attitudes toward women. Additionally, concerns with his administration’s take on health care, abortion, and women’s health in general are on the table. It has greatly expanded beyond this initial purpose to become a catch-all to protest all things Trump.
Another related movement called “He will not divide us”, connected with the march, is running a live stream for the entire duration of Trump’s presidency on their website: hewillnotdivide.us. [UPDATE: This website was hacked earlier today, and should not be visited] This live stream encourages activists to vocalize their message by repeating the titular phrase for as long as they’d like. The fact that it will be running for 4 years proves it’s authenticity and depth of concern.
My personal hope is that this level of enthusiasm for politics does not fade, and that all Americans become more active and involved. Regardless of who you voted for, we are all Americans. Stay strong!