What is my Numerology Birthday Number?

What is my Numerology Birthday Number?

Your numerology birthday number, also known as your Life Path number, is the most important number in your numerology reading.  It is used to identify strengths and weaknesses in your personality, guide how you interact with others, and even predict future events in your life.  It is the first step in deeper studies into your numerological background, and is based on the month, day and year of your birthday.

The calculation to determine your life path number is very simple.  Start by writing your birthday numerically (MM/DD/YYYY).  Next, take add each digit in this form together.  Continue to do this process until you have a result that is a single digit.  The result is your life path number.

Example: Feburary 3, 1973 would be written as 2/3/1974.  Adding 2+3+1+9+7+4 = 26.  Because 26 is a 2 digit number, we add its digits like so: 2+6 = 8.  So, our final result is 8.

The importance of this number cannot be overstated.  It will be at the absolute core of all future numerological studies you will do.  To learn more about interpreting this number, please see our full page on the Life Path number.

Eric Brown

Eric Brown

Eric is an accomplished writer and author. His passion for numerology compelled him to create this website to share his findings and connect with others.
Eric Brown

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